Moto Guzzi Proud Owners

Back to the ocean: Proud Owners @ Wheels & Waves 2019

Forget about the daily slog and forget about the frenzy and all the worries and responsibilities of life. Just let rip with five days of pleasure and good vibrations and let the ocean spoil you rotten. It’s the kind of pure hedonism that goes way beyond space and time and which has been constantly improved and perfected over 7 roaring seasons.

This is what Wheels & Waves in Biarritz promised for this eighth edition in 2019 – our third consecutive “official” attendance as Proud Owners – and it certainly delivered the goods.
This event totally bewitched us with the roar of motorcycle engines and the sounds of surf-rock, absolutely enraptured us with the glint of sunset on chrome and utterly seduced us with tattooed, bearded and warm, friendly smiles.
It courted us and made us fall in love with it all over again, more deeply than ever before. It was the same for us and for all the Guzzi guys and girls of the community that have been streaming in, in increasing numbers, year after year. And it was awesome…

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